What color do you like?

Tell us what color of hat do you like.
Can you tell us why?

Are you a happy person?

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           Happiness gives satisfaction to a person.  It uplifts his emotions and in turn radiates joy to others.  It also lightens the atmosphere of the workplace.  If everybody is happy, they are more productive and they love doing their job.  People tend to do more in a happy environment.  Happiness encourages people to love what they are doing, whether work or leisure it may be. In the workplace their output is more likely to be better than the others who are not happy.  It is one factor that strengthens the relationship of friends, workers and family.  If you are happy, certainly you do things in the right perspective and in the lighter mood.  It seems that work is easier when you are in a happy disposition, right? At your work place if you radiate happiness, definitely your co-workers will also  feel light and happy. 

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      Happiness is next to kindness. When you are happy you can do things better.

I believe that when you are happy you are more productive and successful in whatever you are doing. Happiness is having positive thoughts. So always think of better ways to improve yourself and be happy.  A sincere smile showing you’re happy lightens the mood of the person next to you. So continue to be happy and think of how you can make one person happy today. Be positive and be grateful. 

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How about you? Do you have something to share with us? 

Whispers at Midnight