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Showing posts with label # thinking skills #creativity #avidity #learning #students #academic #determined #supportive #shortstory #succeed #discipline #commitment. Show all posts

The Adventures of Charles

The Adventures of Charles

By: Maelynn D. Cortez

Once upon a time, in the bustling town of Willow Creek, there lived a young boy named Charles. Charles was known throughout the town for his quick wit and sharp mind. He was always curious about the world around him and never shied away from a challenge. One day, Charles stumbled upon an old book in the town library that discussed the concept of higher-order thinking skills.

Intrigued by this new concept, Charles began to delve deeper into the world of critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. He learned that higher-order thinking skills were essential for success in school, at work, and in everyday life. Armed with this newfound knowledge, Charles set out on a quest to sharpen his own thinking skills and to inspire others to do the same.

As Charles journeyed through Willow Creek, he encountered various challenges that put his higher-order thinking skills to the test. When faced with a riddle from the wise old owl, Charles used his critical thinking skills to analyze the clues and come up with a solution. When a fellow classmate was struggling with a difficult math problem, Charles used his problem-solving skills to break down the problem into manageable parts and find a solution.

Through his adventures, Charles discovered that higher-order thinking skills were not just important for academic success, but also for personal growth and fulfillment. By thinking critically, solving problems creatively, and communicating effectively, Charles was able to overcome any obstacle that came his way.

In the end, Charles realized that the power of higher-order thinking skills was not just about being smarter or more successful; it was about becoming a better person and making a positive impact on the world around him. And so, armed with his newfound wisdom, Charles set out to inspire others to embrace the power of higher-order thinking skills and unlock their full potential.


Technique: The story uses a narrative format to engage young readers and convey the importance of higher-order thinking skills through the adventures of the character Charles. By following Charles on his journey of discovery and growth, readers can see firsthand how critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity can lead to personal success and fulfillment. The story aims to inspire grade 6 students to develop their own higher-order thinking skills and use them to navigate the challenges they may face in school and in life.

I'm Always Honest

I'm Always Honest

By: Maelynn D. Cortez

     Once upon a time, in the bustling halls of Oakwood High School, a culture of honesty among the students set them apart from other schools in the district. It was a rare sight to witness, but the students at Oakwood had a deep-rooted respect for the value of honesty, permeating every aspect of their academic and social lives.

     At the heart of this culture was a group of students known as the "Truth Seekers." Led by the charismatic and principled student council president, Mia, the Truth Seekers were on a mission to uphold honesty and integrity in their school community. They believed that without honesty, trust could not exist, and without trust, the foundation of their school would crumble.

      One day, a scandal rocked Oakwood High when rumors started circulating about a cheating ring operating within the student body. The administration was at a loss for what to do, but the Truth Seekers sprang into action. They launched an investigation, interviewing witnesses and gathering evidence to uncover the truth.

     It wasn't long before they discovered that a group of students had been colluding to cheat on exams and plagiarize their assignments. The Truth Seekers knew they had to act swiftly and decisively. With Mia at the helm, they confronted the cheaters and presented their evidence to the administration.

The cheaters were given a chance to come clean and confess their wrongdoing, but when they refused, the Truth Seekers did not hesitate to turn them in. The cheaters faced disciplinary action, but the rest of the student body breathed a sigh of relief knowing that justice had been served.

     In the aftermath of the scandal, the culture of honesty at Oakwood High only grew stronger. The students had seen firsthand the consequences of dishonesty and were determined not to let it happen again. The Truth Seekers continued their mission, organizing workshops and campaigns to promote integrity and accountability among their peers.

     Years later, as the graduates of Oakwood High went out into the world, they carried with them the lessons of honesty and integrity that had been instilled in them during their time at school. They went on to become leaders in their communities, known for their unwavering commitment to truth and fairness.

     And so, the legacy of honesty among high school students at Oakwood High School lived on, shining as a beacon of light in a world that sometimes seemed dark and uncertain. The Truth Seekers had shown that with courage and determination, even the smallest group of students could make a big difference in the fight for honesty and integrity.


The author, uses the literary technique of symbolism in the story "Are You Honest?" The group of students known as the "Truth Seekers" symbolizes the value of honesty and integrity within the school community. They represent a higher moral standard and serve as a beacon of light in a world where dishonesty and deceit can often prevail. The Truth Seekers' actions and mission to uphold honesty and accountability symbolize the importance of these values in maintaining trust and integrity within a community. Through the symbolism of the Truth Seekers, the author conveys a powerful message about the impact of honesty and the importance of standing up for what is right.

Thinking Skills Among Students

Thinking Skills Among Students
Author: Maelynn D. Cortez

In the bustling halls of MTRS High School, a group of students found themselves embroiled in a heated debate about the importance of higher-order thinking Skills. Sarah, a studious junior with a keen intellect, passionately argued that critical thinking and problem-solving were crucial skills that every student needed to succeed in the ever-evolving world. However, her classmates, led by the charismatic but impulsive Jack, scoffed at the idea, dismissing it as unnecessary and dull.

As tensions rose between the two sides, the school principal, Mrs. Johnson, caught wind of the heated debate and decided to intervene. She proposed a challenge to the students: a series of complex riddles and puzzles that would test their Higher Order Thinking Skills and determine once and for all which side was right.

The students eagerly accepted the challenge, with Sarah leading her team and Jack leading his. The competition was fierce, with both sides showcasing their problem-solving abilities and quick thinking. As the challenges grew more difficult, each team struggled to keep up, facing setbacks and obstacles along the way.

In the final round, the teams were presented with a seemingly impossible puzzle that stumped even the brightest minds. Sarah's team was on the brink of defeat when she suddenly had a breakthrough, solving the puzzle with a brilliant display of Higher Order Thinking Skills.

As cheers erupted from her teammates, Jack's team looked on in awe, realizing the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving in achieving success. In the end, Sarah's team emerged victorious, proving that higher-order thinking Skills were not only valuable but essential for navigating the challenges of the modern world.

The debate may have started as a simple disagreement among high school students, but it ultimately became a lesson in the power of intelligence and creativity. As the students walked away from the competition, they knew that they had gained more than just a victory—they had gained a valuable skill that would serve them well in life.


The author of this story uses the literary technique of allegory. The story of the debate about the importance of higher-order thinking skills among high school students serves as an allegory for the broader theme of the value of critical thinking and problem-solving in navigating the challenges of the modern world. The characters and events in the story symbolize larger ideas and concepts, such as the clash between intellect and impulsiveness, the importance of perseverance in the face of obstacles, and the ultimate triumph of intelligence and creativity. Through the allegorical structure of the story, the author conveys a deeper message about the significance of higher-order thinking skills in personal and professional success.

Whispers at Midnight