The Royal Policy Education

The environment is vital to our existence.

by: Maelynn D. Cortez

In Thailand, youth are embracing the Royal Policy education initiative with enthusiasm and dedication. This innovative program aims to provide young people with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in an ever-changing world. The implementation of this policy has been met with praise and support from students, parents, and educators alike.

One of the key aspects of the Royal Policy education program is its emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Through engaging and hands-on activities, students are encouraged to think creatively and analytically, allowing them to approach challenges with confidence and ingenuity. This focus on skills-based learning ensures that the youth are equipped to tackle real-world problems and contribute meaningfully to society.

Additionally, the Royal Policy education initiative places a strong emphasis on experiential learning. Students are given opportunities to participate in internships, study abroad programs, and community service projects, allowing them to gain valuable practical experience outside of the classroom. This hands-on approach not only enhances their academic understanding but also fosters a sense of social responsibility and global awareness.

Furthermore, the Royal Policy education program promotes a holistic approach to education, recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. Through workshops and seminars on mindfulness, communication, and leadership, students are encouraged to develop a well-rounded set of competencies that will serve them well in their personal and professional lives. This focus on social-emotional learning ensures that the youth are not only academically successful but also emotionally resilient and empathetic.

In conclusion, the Royal Policy Education Initiative in Thailand is empowering youth to become confident, competent, and compassionate individuals. By providing them with a skills-based, experiential, and holistic education, this program is preparing the next generation to thrive in a rapidly changing world. The youth embracing this initiative are not only gaining valuable knowledge but also developing the attitudes and abilities needed to make a positive impact on their communities and beyond.

Sufficiency Economy, the Thai way of life

Sufficiency Economy, the Thai way of life

by: Maelynn D. Cortez

Sufficiency, the Thai way of life, is deeply rooted in the concept of happiness and sustainability. It emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with nature, being content with what one has, and maintaining a balance between material and spiritual wealth. The sufficiency economy philosophy, championed by the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, promotes self-reliance, moderation, and mindfulness in all aspects of life.

In the Thai way of thinking, true happiness comes from within and is not dependent on external wealth or possessions. Instead of constantly striving for more and more, Thais believe in finding joy and satisfaction in simple pleasures, such as spending time with loved ones, appreciating nature's beauty, and engaging in activities that nourish the soul. This focus on inner contentment and well-being is what sets the Thai approach to sufficiency apart from Western notions of success and happiness.

Sustainability is another key tenet of sufficiency, as Thais understand that living in harmony with nature is essential for long-term well-being. They view the environment as a precious resource that must be protected and preserved for future generations. By practicing sustainable agriculture, conserving natural resources, and reducing waste, Thais strive to create a more resilient and balanced society.

The sufficiency economy philosophy also emphasizes the importance of community and collaboration. Thais believe in helping each other and sharing resources to ensure collective prosperity. By working together towards common goals, they can achieve greater success and stability than if they were to pursue individualistic pursuits.

Overall, the Thai way of sufficiency embodies a holistic approach to life that prioritizes balance, harmony, and well-being. By focusing on inner happiness, environmental sustainability, and community cooperation, Thais can live fulfilling and meaningful lives that contribute to the greater good of society. In today's fast-paced world, the Thai approach to sufficiency serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of slowing down, appreciating the present moment, and cultivating a deep sense of contentment and connection with the world around us.

Thinking Skills Among Students

Thinking Skills Among Students
Author: Maelynn D. Cortez

In the bustling halls of MTRS High School, a group of students found themselves embroiled in a heated debate about the importance of higher-order thinking Skills. Sarah, a studious junior with a keen intellect, passionately argued that critical thinking and problem-solving were crucial skills that every student needed to succeed in the ever-evolving world. However, her classmates, led by the charismatic but impulsive Jack, scoffed at the idea, dismissing it as unnecessary and dull.

As tensions rose between the two sides, the school principal, Mrs. Johnson, caught wind of the heated debate and decided to intervene. She proposed a challenge to the students: a series of complex riddles and puzzles that would test their Higher Order Thinking Skills and determine once and for all which side was right.

The students eagerly accepted the challenge, with Sarah leading her team and Jack leading his. The competition was fierce, with both sides showcasing their problem-solving abilities and quick thinking. As the challenges grew more difficult, each team struggled to keep up, facing setbacks and obstacles along the way.

In the final round, the teams were presented with a seemingly impossible puzzle that stumped even the brightest minds. Sarah's team was on the brink of defeat when she suddenly had a breakthrough, solving the puzzle with a brilliant display of Higher Order Thinking Skills.

As cheers erupted from her teammates, Jack's team looked on in awe, realizing the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving in achieving success. In the end, Sarah's team emerged victorious, proving that higher-order thinking Skills were not only valuable but essential for navigating the challenges of the modern world.

The debate may have started as a simple disagreement among high school students, but it ultimately became a lesson in the power of intelligence and creativity. As the students walked away from the competition, they knew that they had gained more than just a victory—they had gained a valuable skill that would serve them well in life.


The author of this story uses the literary technique of allegory. The story of the debate about the importance of higher-order thinking skills among high school students serves as an allegory for the broader theme of the value of critical thinking and problem-solving in navigating the challenges of the modern world. The characters and events in the story symbolize larger ideas and concepts, such as the clash between intellect and impulsiveness, the importance of perseverance in the face of obstacles, and the ultimate triumph of intelligence and creativity. Through the allegorical structure of the story, the author conveys a deeper message about the significance of higher-order thinking skills in personal and professional success.

The Power of Self-Discipline

 The Power of Self-Discipline

Author: Maelynn D. Cortez

In the bustling hallways of Mathayom Taksin Rayong High School, there was a student who stood out from the rest. His name was Alex, a quiet yet determined teenager with a passion for academic excellence. While many of his peers succumbed to distractions and peer pressure, Alex possessed an unwavering commitment to self-discipline.

One day, as Alex sat in the library studying diligently for his upcoming exams, he overheard a group of students talking about a party happening that weekend. Despite the temptation to join in on the fun, Alex reminded himself of his goals and the importance of staying focused.


As the days passed, Alex's self-discipline was put to the test. Friends invited him to hang out after school, tempting him with promises of excitement and adventure. However, Alex knew that sacrificing his study time would only hinder his academic progress.

With each passing day, Alex's hard work and dedication began to pay off. His grades improved significantly, and his teachers took notice of his exemplary behavior. He became a role model for his classmates, inspiring them to prioritize their studies and work towards their goals with determination and focus.

As the end of the school year approached, Alex was faced with a final challenge: the temptation to slack off and relax before summer break. However, he knew that true success required consistency and perseverance. With renewed determination, Alex continued to study hard and push himself to new heights.

On the day of the final exams, Alex walked into the classroom with confidence and composure. As he sat down to tackle the challenging questions, he reflected on his journey and the power of self-discipline. And when the results were announced, it was no surprise that Alex had achieved top marks in all of his subjects.

As he celebrated his success with friends and family, Alex knew that his triumph was not just a result of intelligence or luck, but of the unwavering self-discipline that had guided him through every obstacle and temptation. And as he looked towards the future, he knew that with self-discipline as his constant companion, there was no limit to what he could achieve.


The author of the story "The Power of Self-Discipline" uses the literary technique of **characterization** to highlight the protagonist, Alex, and his unwavering commitment to self-discipline. Through the portrayal of Alex's actions, thoughts, and interactions with others, the author effectively conveys the importance of self-discipline in achieving success. The author also employs **symbolism** by using Alex as a symbol of determination and focus, contrasting him with his peers who succumb to distractions and peer pressure. Additionally, **foreshadowing** is used to hint at Alex's eventual success and top marks in all subjects, emphasizing the payoff of his hard work and dedication.

Avidity for Learning

Avidity for Learning
Author: Maelynn D.  Cortez

In the bustling halls of MTRS High School, a group of students stood out from the rest. They were known for their unwavering passion and avidity for learning. These students, led by the charismatic and determined Alex, formed a study group. Their dedication to their academics was unparalleled, and they pushed each other to reach new heights of knowledge and understanding.

However, only some in the school were supportive of the group's academic pursuits. There was a rival group of students who dismissed their efforts, viewing them as nerds and bookworms. This conflict came to a head when the rival group, led by the arrogant and envious Chad, challenged Alex's group to a knowledge bowl competition.

The stage was set for an epic showdown between the two groups. The entire school gathered in the auditorium to witness the clash of intellects. The questions flew fast and furious, testing the limits of each student's knowledge. As the competition heated up, it became clear that Alex's group had an edge over their rivals. Their avidity for learning had equipped them with the tools they needed to succeed.

In the end, Alex's group emerged victorious, proving once and for all that passion and dedication could overcome even the most formidable of obstacles. The rival group, humbled by their defeat, grudgingly acknowledged the worth of their opponents. From that day on, the culture of learning at MTRS High School shifted, with more and more students embracing the idea that knowledge was power.

The avidity for learning among high school students had won out in the end, thanks to the unrelenting determination of a few brave souls who dared to dream big and reach for the stars. As for Alex and their group of dedicated learners, they knew that their thirst for knowledge would carry them far in life, opening doors to success and fulfillment beyond their wildest dreams.

Additionally, the author also uses conflict and resolution as a key technique in the story. The conflict between Alex's group and Chad's group creates tension and drives the plot forward, leading to the climax of the knowledge bowl competition. The resolution of the conflict through the victory of Alex's group demonstrates the theme of the importance of passion and dedication in achieving success. This technique adds depth and interest to the story, keeping the reader engaged until the satisfying conclusion.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger Tea


The Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger Tea
by: Maelynn D. Cortez

Ginger tea has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. The spicy root has been lauded for its ability to aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity. In this article, we will explore the numerous health benefits of ginger tea.

Digestive Health

Ginger tea can help alleviate various digestive issues such as bloating and indigestion
  •   It can stimulate saliva production, aiding in the digestion process
  •   The tea can also help relax the muscles of the digestive tract, preventing stomach cramps.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Ginger contains compounds that have potent anti-inflammatory effects
  •  These compounds can help reduce inflammation in the body, easing symptoms of conditions like arthritis
  •  Regular consumption of ginger tea may help lower the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases.

Immune Boosting

The high levels of antioxidants in ginger tea can help strengthen the immune system
  •  These antioxidants can help combat free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress
  •  Drinking ginger tea regularly may help prevent infections and illnesses.
Weight Management

Ginger tea can aid in weight management by increasing metabolism and promoting fat loss
  •  The tea can help suppress appetite, leading to reduced calorie intake
  • Incorporating ginger tea into a healthy diet and exercise routine may help with weight loss efforts.

Ginger tea is a versatile beverage with a wide range of health benefits. Whether you're looking to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, boost immunity, or manage weight, ginger tea may be just what you need. So next time you brew a cup of tea, consider reaching for ginger for a flavorful and healthful experience.

Learning Critical Thinking Among Students

Learning Critical Thinking Among Students

by: Maelynn D. Cortez

       Critical thinking is a crucial skill that students must learn for success in academics and beyond. By fostering critical thinking skills, students can analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. Transition words such as "furthermore", "moreover", and "however" can help students to connect ideas and arguments effectively. The active voice, which emphasizes the subject performing the action, should be used extensively to engage readers and convey a sense of directness.

       Students should be exposed to various learning experiences that challenge them to think critically. Sentence variety, including simple, compound, and complex sentences, can enhance the flow and coherence of the writing. Educators play a key role in promoting critical thinking by designing activities that require students to think critically, such as analyzing complex texts, solving problems, and defending their opinions with evidence.

       Critical thinking skills are essential for success in today's complex and rapidly changing world. Students can develop their critical thinking skills effectively by incorporating a wide range of transition words, utilizing the active voice, and varying sentence structures. Mastering critical thinking will ultimately empower students to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners.

Learning Critical Thinking Among Students

Importance of Developing Critical Thinking Skills

1.  Critical thinking skills are essential for students to become successful in academics and in their future careers
2.  These skills enable individuals to analyze information, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems
3.  Critical thinking fosters creativity, innovation, and effective communication
4.  It helps students develop a deeper understanding of the world around them
5.  Students with strong critical thinking skills are better equipped to navigate challenges and adapt to change.

Strategies to Foster Critical Thinking in Students

1.  Encourage students to ask questions and challenge assumptions
2. This promotes curiosity and helps them develop a deeper understanding of concepts
3. Engage students in discussions and debates
4. This allows them to explore different perspectives and sharpen their analytical skills
5. Provide real-world examples and case studies
6. This helps students apply critical thinking skills to practical situations
7.  Encourage students to think independently and support their arguments with evidence
8. Teach students how to evaluate sources and distinguish between fact and opinion.

Benefits of Teaching Critical Thinking Skills

 1. Students who have strong critical thinking skills are more likely to excel academically
 2. They are better able to evaluate information and think critically about complex issues
 3. Employers value critical thinking skills in employees because they lead to better decision-making and problem-solving
 4. Critical thinking skills empower individuals to become lifelong learners and adapt to a rapidly changing world.

In conclusion, fostering critical thinking skills among students is essential for their academic and professional success. By providing opportunities for students to question, analyze, and evaluate information, educators can help them develop the skills they need to thrive in a complex and dynamic world.

Whispers at Midnight